Which continent, exactly?

This blog's title isn't in reference to actual continents (I've now been to four), but is rather drawn from "The Third and Final Continent," a stunning short story by Jhumpa Lahiri, from her collection, The Interpreter of Maladies. In particular, I'm inspired by the following quote that summarizes the attitude I try to carry with me through life and on my travels

I am not the only person to seek his fortune far from home, and certainly I am not the first. Still there are times I am bewildered by each mile I have traveled, each meal I have eaten, each person I have known, each room in which I have slept. As ordinary as it all appears, there are times when it is beyond my imagination.

I love this. It calls on us to consider the tiny details of our experiences, both one-by-one, and in the aggregate, and to maintain a sense of wonder even about the seemingly mundane things that are the building blocks of our lives, and often, the glue that binds us to our traveling companions.

This blog began as a chronicle of my study abroad experience in Cairo in Spring 2008, and continued last year while volunteering in Geneva, and South Sudan with a wonderful organization, VIDES.

Now in graduate school, I'm returning to the Continent this summer while interning in New Delhi, India.

Please enjoy, inquire, and learn.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Multiple choice: What is that sensation on my leg?

Imagine this as though it were a flow chart I'm too lazy/busy to put together:

  • Oh thank God, it’s just a fly >>  shrug, shake or brush away.
  • Nothing there   >>> “Whether paranoia or an emerging neurological disorder, this can’t be good.”
  • Just hair blowing in the wind >> “Guess I’ve finally found a compelling reason to shave regularly.”
  • A mosquito >>  “Die *profanity of choice,* die.”  Engage in a dance composed of a variety of contortions and slaps in the air in an attempt to assassinate the *profanity* in question. 

I hate mosquitoes with an undying irrational passion. Hate them. Insects I’m fine with, blood I’m fine with, but the combination of the two disturbs me to no end.  Yet they seem to find me, more than the average person, just delicious.

Now I hate them more than ever, because mosquitoes carry malaria, and malaria kills people here. Daily. Unnecessarily. I am sleeping with a bed net and taking anti-malaria drugs, and thank the heavens every day for them.

Fair warning, they will probably be a recurring theme here.  I apologize in advance.

A GINORMOUS spider discovered only postmortem.
I'm posting it because it was cool (when dead), and because
spiders and all other creatures that eat mosquitoes are pretty much
 my favorite animals, ever.


Jessie said...

Yes - I'm a big fan of bats, for the same reason. Glad to see you arrived and are doing well so far! xox

Allison said...


Stephanie said...

you're a braver woman than I.